We here at TDB are not in favor of the redesign, mostly because we've always been fond of Bubbles, the previous (and somewhat ambiguous) lion who has now been made edgier, more lion-esque, and all-around Arena Football-y. The Lions franchise hasn't had a lot going for it this century, but we always felt their logo was one of the few bright spots for their fans. Honolulu blue, however, was and is crap.
So, in response to the leaking of Detroit's remodeled logo, we're posting what we think they should change their logo to if management is set on change. We mostly scrapped the Honolulu blue in favor of Ford blue (which, for Detroit, seemed to make sense). We're big on history here at TDB, so we tried to come up with something that holds onto Detroit football heritage so as to not make a mockery of the Lions logo. Like say, going 0-16 would do. Anyway, here's what we came up with:

Very cool. Classy, dig the Ford blue, iffy on the D though. It's a little busy. If they had Ford blue with 'Bucs pewter' pants and accents, now we're talkin sister.